Wednesday, June 18, 2008


In my day job, that document review project I mentioned before is still going on. Over 2 weeks we distilled 360 boxes (they found more) into over 25,000 pages. Over the past three days I have single handedly reviewed 22,991 of those pages for redactions, privilege claims and documents that are not relevant. Trying to get all of it done by tomorrow and then get all of my other cases cleaned up so we can start our vacation Friday. Thank God we canceled the Gigi project because otherwise I would be going n-v-t-s nuts. (Movie geek points if you recognize the quote.)

In my night job I am this close to finalizing the pitch package. I just have to expand 4 bullet points - romantic comedy, geek chic, local independent music and local independent artists - and explain why they are marketing strengths. Small case of mental blockage around this one, so feel free to pipe in with ideas.


Uncle Rico said...

I don't recognize the movie quote but I'm going to take a shot in the dark. Is it "History of the World Part I"?

Dan Heinrich said...

Good shot and welcome to official movie geekdom. In the Rome segment of History of the World, Mel Brooks plays a stand up philosopher and his agent calls him nuts, spelling it the proper Roman way.

TD said...

Be sure to list under Geek Chic the mass appeal of comic book properties like Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, Hulk, Iron Man, X-Men and the movies made from them.