Thursday, August 14, 2008

I'm writing again

And, man, does it feel good. I am working on fleshing out the outline for the screenplay The Ties. The outline is as far as it will go as the actual screenplay will be improvised. Also, I am back at the novel that I started when I left Adobe and I got sidetracked when I ended up in acting school and doing all these production projects (the current working title is The Other End of the Telescope). Trying to take the pressure off on these but, especially in the case of The Ties, that is difficult to say the least.

1 comment:

TD said...

Obey the Muse, for she is a harsh mistress.

Brought to you by word verification "zhjakkm", which is either Arabic for "I've been struck by lightning" or a comic book sound effect... for getting struck by lightning.