Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Blog Love

Added a couple of friends to the blog roll on the right. Why did I do that? Well, the "Friends" section really is just that, friends of mine, not friends of friends. (And, yes, I have more friends than that, smart aleck. Very few of them write web logs.) And I realized the other day that the two new additions have become friends in their own right, instead of people I know through Todd.

Raechelle and Todd are dating, but check out her site anyway, because it is witty and sharp. Anyone who has clicked through to Todd's blog will know that whenever the two of them write about each other, they are cutesy as all get out. I can tell you, in person it is even more so. They give Trish and me a run for our money in the cutesy couple category.

Kayleigh is Todd's daughter. At 11 years old, her writing is funny and offbeat and insightful. And it is full of great pearls of zen wisdom like:

"Scientists are also going to do an experiment in which they will send one giant bullet-bomb-thing at another giant bullet-bomb-thing and either the two will explode into a giant explosion that will be all over the news, or the entire Earth will be sucked into a giant white hole in space, and time will start all over again.You know what I say? I say that that is the STUPIDEST EXPERIMENT EVER!! Don't say, "Hey, I'm curious. Can we make the world end?" and then try out that experiment."

So check them out.

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