Monday, July 21, 2008


Over the course of the next few months a lot of my life could change. Trish and I are looking to buy our first home; the pitch for Duo is out searching for funding; and of course, we continue to try and conceive a child. It is quite possible that all of those hit within weeks of each other. It makes for a very exciting time.

But the problem with exciting is that it creates tension. I am not talking about stress, but about the tension of possibilities. I feel like we are balancing on the edge of something and I just want it to tip over all ready, damnit. I want something to change, to feel like we are moving forward instead of this seemingly endless place we have been in for the past two years of getting the timing just right to conceive or talking about great ideas for movies yet unable to finance them or whatever. There was even a job possibility that appeared and disappeared within 24 hours, so that is still the same.

It is not that I am unhappy it is just that the waiting is starting to get to me.

1 comment:

TD said...

I don't know how valuable it was, but anytime you need to vent, you always have a comfy seat and a beer at my place.