Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Happy Birthday, "Buddy"

Steven "Buddy" Liu turns 26 today. We met in acting school when he was a wee lad of 20. Talented, smart, a killer with the ladies.... well, talented and smart. Buddy was the guy that everyone picked on because he was so earnest and young and he took it with amazing grace. Top notch actor who is always willing to let himself be vulnerable. Check out the second half of his demo reel to see what I mean. I suppose one of these days, I will have to forgive him for moving to LA. But not just yet.

This day is also 5 years to the day that I kissed Trish for the first time. How do I remember the exact date? Because it was after getting hammered at Buddy's 21st birthday party that I finally did it. That the kiss came in front of the apartment Trish shared with her boyfriend at the time might help explain why I got hammered before working up the nerve to kiss her. (And I kicked myself all the way home for ruining a perfectly good friendship, too. Little did I know.)
Buddy likes to take credit for the relationship because of that. And I think once a year, we can let him take it. Thanks, Buddy, and Happy Birthday. (And move back to Seattle, damnit!)

1 comment:

TD said...

Many happies for Steven!