Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Quick Update

I had an appointment with a urologist yesterday to discuss my low numbers. For a good 24 hours before the appointment I was in a pretty dark head space, certain that he was going to tell me I could never have kids and starting to wonder if the cause was due to some major health issue. Well the good news is that neither of those are true.

The short version is the drop in morphology, while not usual is not uncommon either. A six point drop, while steep, can happen from stress or other factors. He said a retest would probably show another fluctuation. Is the low morphology hurting our chances? Most likely. Is it the single reason we cannot conceive? Probably not. I think his exact words were "don't hang your hat on this one number." The bad news is that they do not really know what causes low morphology (aside from a couple of physical ailments which I do not have); it could have been as far back as the pneumonia I suffered when I was two or three. And there is no particular treatment.

So, what next? I have an ultrasound scheduled this morning (the doc did find a small nodule, most likely nothing for either health or fertility but we are checking it anyway), and Trish is making us an appointment with her Ob Gyn to discuss Intra Uterine Insemination. The doc said our chances with that technique are lowered because of my numbers but he deferred to the Ob who would perform the procedure to see if it was worth our while.

We came out of the appointment with two different reactions. I was greatly relieved to hear that the number can fluctuate and that this is not necessarily the end of the road for us having our own child. Trish was greatly frustrated that we still have no hard answers as to why we have not conceived and what we should do next. (A frustration I share, by the by, but we talked it out and she feels better about it. I am sure she will describe her feelings in more detail on her own blog.) All in all, I feel pretty good this morning.

Oh, and I will continue the posts with Mike's e-mail very shortly.

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